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Snapchat boasts promising first quarter with 13 million new users

Social media platform Snapchat has reason to celebrate this month, after having released a report that sees them gaining 13 million new users.

In a time when Facebook is begging for new, younger, users, Snapchat seems to have gained, having been able to say that they have had 13 million new users since the start of the year, on a platform that has a reputation for being aimed at a younger audience.

It’s not all good news, however. A majority of those new users have come from the “Rest of the world”, namely India, which has embraced the app and continues to gain users over the past couple of years.

Dynamic Ads

Snapchat particularly points to one of its latest features, Dynamic Ads, which allow advertisers to add their entire product catalogue, which the feature will then match to the most relevant users.
In a statement, Snapchat said: “By dynamically building ads from product catalogs, we’re able to greatly expand the set of ads that are created. Dynamic Ads can update automatically as new products are entered into the catalog, remaining up to date and driving ROI.”

What does this mean for marketing?

Facebook’s midlife crisis is no secret to marketers, or anyone paying attention to social media itself. But, like it or not, Facebook has become an integral part of most businesses’ social media presence, whether it be for marketing or contact purposes.

But if you have a product or service aimed at relatively younger users, you might as well be blowing in the wind. Perhaps it’s time to look elsewhere for your social media marketing needs. We’ve broken down why diversifying your social media marketing campaign is important here. A lot of platforms are emerging, gaining from the younger users jumping the Facebook ship, including Pinterest, TikTok, Snapchat, Reddit, Tumbler, A03, etc. Marketers might have to chase their younger users into less flashy platforms that are now gaining ground.
2022-11-28 10:34 Facebook