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Change in Gambling Commission Financial Penalties

The executive director of the Gambling CommissionTim Miller, has announced that the organization is planning a change in how it handles financial penalties for any rule breaches, in addition to a change in its consultation format.

The regulator is announcing some discussion in terms of changes very soon, such as how financial penalties are calculated for breaches of Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP). Miller said that these changes would be instated with the aim “to ensure they better drive compliance with the licensing objectives and to seek to be more transparent in the way we calculate them”.

As well as this, Miller stated that the Commission was planning to investigate the expansion of the personal management license system to try to improve accountability. He also said that the body was looking at ways in which it could alter how consultations are conducted themselves after feedback was received on the current process.

The company released a statement on the feedback: “Two messages came out clearly,
“Firstly, people feel that we sometimes take a scattergun approach to consultations. 
“This makes it hard for stakeholders to plan the time needed to respond and, where necessary to implement changes. 

“Secondly, people have also questioned whether consultation responses make a difference to the outcome. 
“So these concerns are leading to the Commission looking to change how we seek stakeholder views and how we carry out consultations.”

The Commission has already made several changes this year such as new rules for interacting with any “high-risk” customers. The Commission has said that they will need to implement stricter rules to ensure operators are delivering the desired outcomes.
2023-01-02 12:05 Other