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TikTok promotes small businesses this holiday season with #ShopSmall

TikTok has launched its #ShopSmall Accelerator in preparation for Small Business Saturday. The guidance package is in partnership with American Express and will guide small businesses, platform tips, and ad credit for eligible brands. It can all be found on its mini-site or with tips and links.

As explained by TikTok: “The #ShopSmall Accelerator is a one-stop shop for small businesses who are looking for expert creative guidance from popular TikTok creators, an opportunity to reach new customers by jumping on the latest trend, or a way to boost growth.”

“TikTok is increasingly the go-to platform for discovering new small businesses, with 58% of TikTok users saying that they discover new brands and products on the platform, and 44% saying they immediately went out to buy something they discovered on the platform.”

But the best part is that TikTok and American Express are giving away up to $250,000 in ad credits to small businesses. Small businesses will be able to access $100 in ad credit to use on TikTok when they spend $50 on their first TikTok ads campaign, allowing small businesses to reach massive audiences at a reduced rate.