The governor originally signed this bill in May and we are now seeing it come into action. Kelly had this to say about the changes:
“Legalising sports betting is a common-sense solution that keeps Kansans’ money in Kansas and drives business to sporting events, casinos, restaurants, and other entertainment venues. I want to thank all our partners for working with us to get this done in time for football season.”
Kansas Lottery executive director Stephen Durrell is positive regarding the economic effect the changes could have for Kansas and the draw for tourism:
“This announcement represents a lot of hard work and collaboration between the Kansas Lottery, the Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission, our casino, and tribal partners. The process to bring this to fruition has moved at an unbelievable pace. We are excited to be bringing sports betting to Kansas players and adding more fun and exciting play options to the Sunflower State.”
Time will tell if other states across America will begin to follow suit to benefit not only the gambling business but other local businesses and local areas in general.