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Tune into the Search On 2022 Google event

The annual Google event is back. Search On covers everything Google has been up to this year and what is to be expected in the coming years. It will feature lots of Google Search experts discussing the latest advances and approaches in search ranking and SEO management.

Google itself is uncharacteristically shallow on the details, but it did say:
“Search On is our annual event where we share the latest innovations across our information products. This year, we’ll share how we’re transforming Search to help you make sense of the world in more natural and intuitive ways. In the meantime, explore the last 24 years of innovations in Search.”

“During the event, you’ll hear about how Google is reimagining its core information products to help people make sense of the world in more natural and intuitive ways.”

This is likely to be hugely beneficial to affiliate marketers who need to keep up with the latest SEO and algorithm trends to get the maximum benefit from their marketing techniques.

As put it: “For years, common SEO advice has been to create webpages with top-ranking keywords and search terms scattered throughout your text. … Some websites have leaned too far into building pages with these technical SEO elements front of mind, which has essentially seen them slide more towards gaming the system, as opposed to providing the most relevant, valuable results for people.”

The event goes live on September 28th at 10 am PT.