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LinkedIn weighs in on Pride marketing for brands

As you might have guessed from the fact that your social media feeds have gotten a lot more colorful lately, June is Pride month. Brands all over social media have gotten into the mood and shown their support with rainbow-themed logos and LGBTQ+ positive content. It’s so common that it’s telling if they don’t.

LinkedIn is no different, but they have taken it a step further and have released an infographic on the effect of getting into the swing of Pride month.
They have particularly pointed to the fact that Pride celebrations have become so common that users are cynical that it isn’t just a ploy for marketing and have even been dubbed terms like “corporate Pride”.

As LinkedIn, itself notes: “The question isn’t should your brand talk about Pride Month. Instead, it’s how your brand should show up in a sensitive, informed, and helpful way.”

What does the infographic say?

The information LinkedIn has gathered has been released on a handy infographic, but you can see the full report here, which outlines industries that have Pride keywords, the most popular countries which have users engaging in Pride content, which is highest in Brazil, the US, and India, and the most engaged hashtags in sponsored posts on LinkedIn.

The full report, however, does enforce that slapping a rainbow on your logo isn’t going to be enough in an environment where users are increasingly skeptical of brands online and suggest going the extra mile for your Pride month content.

They outline authenticity, empathy, and creativity, saying that “Pride is about people, not brands, so let the people shine!”
2022-12-20 10:14 Other