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TikTok makes moves to assure safe ad placement

TikTok has partnered up with the brand suitability platform, Zefr, to ensure brand safety for in-feed ads.

How does it work?

Zefr offers a platform that will display data on marketing campaigns, offering insight from data obtained from the TikTok advertisements and compared to the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) Suitability Risk categories.

The move comes after measurement solutions were considered to ensure that in-feed ads don’t appear next to offensive material.

Zefr identifies potentially harmful footage with cognition AI that will analyze audio, text, and video frame-by-frame to determine if the content is harmful. The footage will then be put under human review to determine brand safety.

What has TikTok got to say?

In a statement posted on its site, TikTok explained: “This solution will provide advertisers with campaign insights into brand safety and brand suitability for their TikTok campaigns. These insights provide clients with third-party impartial reassurance that their investment is delivered next to content suitable for their brand, protecting brand reputation and mitigating risk. Clients can use these transparency and video-level insights to monitor their campaigns and optimize if needed.”

How can affiliate marketers benefit?

The concept isn’t foolproof. TikTok challenges can start innocent enough and then veer into dangerous territory. And what may seem harmful to the AI can be perceived as fine by humans, like nudity in art, and vice versa, like the Devious Lick challenge, which saw students vandalizing school bathrooms.

But it will be beneficial to affiliate marketers who are selling products and services online, especially if those products or services are sensitive such as products aimed at children.
2022-09-21 11:31 TikTok